
What All You Should Know About A Sprained Ankle

The ankle joint in a human body connects the lower leg and the foot. Three ligaments keep the ankle bones from staying in their place and not shifting anywhere else. In the case of a sprained ankle (ข้อ เท้า พลิก, which is the term in Thai), these ligaments get stretched away from their place or get torn. As per the severity of the sprain, grading is given by the doctors:

Here is grading given to sprained ankle by the experts, to understand the severity of the sprain:

Grade 1 (Mild):

In this case, as the name suggests, the ligaments are stretched, but fortunately, they are not torn. When there is a mild sprain in the ankle, the ankle is in a little pain and can also move to an extent. Although you may feel a little stiffness and pain, it will go with time with proper self-care.

Grade 2 (Moderate):

In this case, either one or more than one ligament is partially torn. The joints in the case of grade 2 ankle sprain are not very stable. Even the movement, in this case, gets restricted as you will not move freely the way you used to. In grade 2 ankle sprain, you can experience a little swelling and pain as well.

Grade 3 (Severe):

In the grade 3 ankle sprain, one of more than one ligament is torn. Here the ankle is not in a stable condition at all. You will not be able to move slightly as well due to excessive pain.

Causes for Sprained Ankle:

Anything or any movement that makes your ankle stretch to a limit beyond its capacity ends up hurting the ligament. This situation usually happens when the foot is either twisted or turned inwards. Usual situations which lead to the sprained ankle are:

  • While running, walking, or using stairs, you end up planting your foot wrongly, which leads to a stretch in the ankle.
  • If you suddenly step on some uneven surface such as a hole, which puts added pressure on the ankle.
  • While playing sports such as football, there are chances that the foot might get rolled or you step onto someone by mistake.
  • If you are wearing very uncomfortable shoes such as high heels, which do not fit you perfectly.
  • Suddenly while running, you slip due to water and hurt your ankle.

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